
A winter throne for Queen Felicity

With the cold weather closing in Felicity has chosen her seat for the winter – right on top of the Sky (cable TV) box.

It’s the only piece of heat-producing electronics in the house that is on almost all the time, and it’s just the perfect size for her to park her bum on.

On really cold days she wraps her whole body around it like a mother bird around her eggs.  It’s very annoying if you are trying to watch something or change the channel though!

My own little pre-warmed seat

Mine, all mine



  1. Lynne says

    So clever! She’s making the most of available heat without forcing you to buy an electric blanket/pad for cats. So economical of her!

    Of course, if you really do want to change channel more than the Furry Queen allows, the cat blanket might be the answer!

  2. Aww, she’s so cute!

    But she looks like she’s going to give you a right royal smiting if you try to get your hand under there to change the channel.

  3. Sandy says

    My cat did the same for years before I moved the cable box, which I still feel guilty about. Maybe I’ll look into a cat blanket before winter.

  4. Claire Payne says

    I hope you like the channel selected. I don’t rate your chances of changing it. Very cute indeed. Before TVs went flat screen, our old cat Bailey used to sit on top of the TV and swish his tail over the screen. My purry, furry girlies simply lie tummy up in front of our gas fire in the evening or snuggle together to keep warm which always melts my heart.

  5. Claire Payne says

    I hope you like the channel selected. I don’t rate your chances of changing it. Very cute indeed. Before TVs went flat screen, our old cat Bailey used to sit on top of the TV and swish his tail over the screen. My purry, furry girlies simply lie tummy up in front of our gas fire in the evening or snuggle together to keep warm which always melts my heart.

  6. How cute! Our kitty usually warms herself on top of the loud speaker behind the computer’s system unit. (meaning that the exit air went blows warm air right to her fur). (I hope someone understood what I was trying to say… as I’m not used to computer terminology…)

  7. This made me giggle. Our cats fight over the sunny spots when it’s cold. Does she like enclosed spaces? If so, a circular cat bad may be something she’d enjoy curling up in.

  8. And Felicity proves that all that fur is purely decorative–otherwise she wouldn’t need a heat source in the first place! 🙂

  9. Catharine says

    Just a note of caution….Last year about 2 weeks after I had my uverse installed, the box shorted out. Imagine my discomfort when the repair guy came and pulled the box out, and it had bits cat litter from my baby boy’s feet in it! It will damage your cable box, so maybe you create a cover for it?

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