18th Century

Now those look like proper children’s clothes!

At least in a sort of rich, elaborate, 18th century fashion

The Marsham Children by Thomas Gainsborough, 1787, the Staatliche Museum, Berlin

Look, Master Marshall even has his waistcoat unbuttoned so that he can climb a tree!  And Miss Marshall is getting her dress soiled with fruit, while the littlest Marshall gets muddy paw prints all over her (well, probably her) pretty white frock!


  1. Oh, enjoyable! Although the children look somewhat forced into their poses… but maybe it’s just because the painter wasn’t used to painting people who were moving all the time. 🙂

    BTW, I’m one of those people who voted for “somewhat geeky” in your poll. Meaning that it’s somewhat geeky and lots of fun that way. 😀

    • Alot of times painters would do quick sketches of their subjects then compose them into a painting. The subjects probably had to still sit still so the painter can get the facial features down. I think the quick sketches of the children would have been even more charming.

  2. They do look more like real children, it’s true.

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