All posts filed under: Travel

Orba Shoes

A love letter to my Orba shoes

This is not a sponsored post.  I have no affiliation with Orba shoes. They have no idea I’m writing this.  It’s just that sometimes when you like a product so much you could almost kiss it, you need to share! (almost.  I’m from the Pacific.  We don’t kiss things that go on our feet, or put them on tables, or stage them with food.). In planning my Europe trip I realised I really needed good walking shoes which I could wear with any outfit.  I scoured Wellington, but the shoe gods did not smile on me. Then I saw an ad for Orba shoes on FB, and thought: “Oooh!  Totally eco-friendly, biodegradable, NZ based company, and cute?  I should try these!” They arrived just before my trip and I (foolishly – although sometimes fools get lucky!) only wore them once before flying. And then I was in Sweden, and scared to wear them because what if they weren’t comfortable after a few hours?  After a day ruining my feet and knees trotting round the Vasa …