All posts filed under: Historical Sew Fortnightly

Image shows two women in 18th century dress in a fern filled wood, their backs to the camera.

My Historical Sew Monthly 2021: a historical sewing round up.

What I like most, looking back at my Historical Sew Monthly 2021 makes, is that while I was prolific, I was also frugal and environmentally friendly.  Quite a few of these items were made from re-fashioned items.  The vast majority of the remainder were made from stash fabric (often originally thrifted) rather than new.  And all of them were carefully and thoughtfully made, and will get lots of use.  It’s a very good feeling.  

My 2019 Historical Sewing Year in Review

If I did a 2018 sewing round up, or set myself sewing goals for 2019, I don’t remember it, and can’t find it. So 2019 was a blank slate: I got done what I got done. And that’s kind of nice. I’ve been trying to be less demanding of myself. I wish I could do all the things, all the time, and I tend to beat myself up mentally when I can’t. So for the last few years I’ve been trying to just be happy with what I do, and I think I’m getting there! And I did do pretty well! Three Scroop patterns out, including the incredible hydra of a pattern that is the Augusta Stays (seriously, the amount of stuff we included in that pattern…it’s really four patterns, and was certainly the work of four standard patterns). A bunch of wardrobe sewing for me, a bunch of sewing for my mum (I packed more clothes for her than for myself in my recent trip home!). And actually quite a lot of historical sewing …