
Evening Cape of silk ruched to imitate astrakhan, Lanvin, Jeanne, Winter 1935 V&A

Evening Cape of silk ruched to imitate astrakhan, Lanvin, Jeanne, Winter 1935 V&A


  1. Maree says

    What a fascinating blog I just happened upon, and those two evening astrakhan capes are simply stunning. I have recently acquired an astrakhan jacket, and am not sure whether to invest in having it cleaned or whether it’s even appropriate to wear such items anymore – from both an ethical and fashion standpoint. Any thoughts?

    • I feel that ethics and fashion are personal. Obviously the way in which astrakhan is obtained is horrific, but it it’s a vintage piece, is it better to wear it, and honour the loss of life, but risk perpetuating a desire for the product, or discard it, and contribute to the overflow of discarded textiles in our landfills? I think everyone has to answer that for themselves: good luck in your decision.

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