

  1. I feel like the top and bottom don’t go together. The suit + ballgown thing just seems pieced together and jarring. I’m not even sure how I feel about the bottom by itself, with that tweed? knit? fabric. The lack of accessories also just say “day suit” with a random mermaid ballgown bottom. 5/10

    • Maggie says

      Hi…although the skirt certainly references the Clover Dress, I really don’t think it is a Charles James. It is too quirky a combination. He chose his fabrics very carefully and they expressed the intent of his designs fairly consistently—opulent fabrics were for evening, tweeds are seen a lot in his daywear. The cut of this skirt is also not like the Clover Dress—that skirt is essentially a big circle skirt, which gets its shape from the insanely complicated understructure that holds it up and and makes it fall into those quadrants. (remember…he was a milliner first)
      That said, has anyone looked at Dior or Balenciaga to see if this is one of theirs? The teardrop/petal shapes of the skirt lead me to look elsewhere than James. As to the bottom, I would also suggest it could be cotton velvet.

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