I slavishly adore everything about it but the bright yellow embroidery. If the embroidery were coral or navy instead, I would probably be staying up late at night, planning a very odd museum heist.
It’s got good bones but has been fettered with “much-ness”. It’s been much-ed to death. It looks like a gorgeous gown masquerading as an abomination.
I love the waistline, the sheer over nude, and the stripes at the bottom, maybe even the crazy sort of…sea-foam embroidery along the first hem, if it were scaled back a bit. But the heavy mantle on the bust and the insanity of the front sash “thing” with painfully lemon embroidery on it robs the garment of any class or dignity. New money, says I.
I slavishly adore everything about it but the bright yellow embroidery. If the embroidery were coral or navy instead, I would probably be staying up late at night, planning a very odd museum heist.
9/10 I don’t like the period’s overall shape, but it’s so pretty.
It’s got good bones but has been fettered with “much-ness”. It’s been much-ed to death. It looks like a gorgeous gown masquerading as an abomination.
I love the waistline, the sheer over nude, and the stripes at the bottom, maybe even the crazy sort of…sea-foam embroidery along the first hem, if it were scaled back a bit. But the heavy mantle on the bust and the insanity of the front sash “thing” with painfully lemon embroidery on it robs the garment of any class or dignity. New money, says I.