It’s that time again! Another four challenges done in the HSF 2014 and time for me to share some of my favourites with you!
I picked things that are interesting, well made, and (most importantly for me) well considered and researched. Whether they were items inspired specifically by the Historical Sew Fortnightly, or longstanding project that fin in perfectly anyway, all of my favourites demonstrate the goals of the Historical Sew Fortnightly; the quest to explore history, raise our skill levels and standard, stretch ourselves (or sometimes just get something done, rather than just procrastinating); and the spirit of the individual challenge. They are all delights to look at visually, and the story behind each piece is just as delightful.
I’ve linked to the blog posts where there are posts, and copied the images of the items from Facebook where there aren’t, so that you can at least see the amazingness. Do follow the links to the blog posts for the full story on each item!
If you want to see the full facebook albums, you’ll need to belong to the Historical Sew Fortnightly FB group. When you request to join the group you’ll be sent a message (check your Other folder) asking why you would like to be part of it. Be sure to answer in full!
Challenge #5 — Bodice
- Jeannete’s 1899 Jacket – How could I not choose this AMAZING jacket as my favourite for this challenge? Made using the Wearing History Sophie jacket pattern, everything about this garment is phenomenal. So impressive!
- Mary’s 1860s Little Women inspired Bosom Friend— A really fun and interesting interpretation of ‘bodice’. Doesn’t it look deliciously warm and snuggly?
And check out how cunning the back is:
- Antonia’s 1640s Bodice — Of course, I had to feature one that was a bodice in the fullest, most historical sense of the word! This ensemble, inspired by a portrait of Lady van Dyck, is just lovely, and she got to wear it in Venice (ENVIOUS!). Oh, and she made her husband’s outfit, so his doublet makes this a double-accomplishment challenge!
Special mention to: Anne’s 1660s bodice*, Erin’s 1850s-60s sacque*, & Fashion Through History’s Edwardian bust enhancer, all fabulous examples of all the ways we can think about the term ‘bodice’
Challenge #6 — Fairytale
- Green Martha’s 1890s Red Riding Hood short cape — This cape is so wonderful it pretty much makes me hyperventilate with its awesomeness. The soutache work! The trees! The little hooded figure! And the wolf! So, so, so amazing! I couldn’t imagine a more perfect interpretation of the challenge.
- Running with Scissor’s 1920s Dancing Princess slippers — With shoes like these, of course you would have to go dancing every night! Wearing them out would be a sad moment though.
- Zeitenzauberin’s 18th century Star Money shift — A beautifully simple, beautifully made item which perfectly encapsulates the fairytale.And special mention to Wearing History’s 1002nd Arabian Nights Poiret inspired frock, and Segolène’s 1908 fairy corset, two enchanting twists of fairytale garments.
Challenge #7 — Tops & Toes
- Karinne of Dutch Renaissance’s 16th century huik — Don’t know what a huik is? She wrote a whole research paper so you can find out (which obviously, I love!)! Huiks are pretty much the funniest, quirkiest piece of headwear one could imagine, and a wonderful thing to see recreated.
- Vagabondage’s 1940s knitting hat & souvenir shoes — I think it is wonderful that she made something for her top, and something for her toes. Both items are really cunningly conceived modern recreations of their period originals.
- Marna’s 1890s-1910s gold tango boots — I liked the last entry because it was amazing and clever and something most of us could attempt and achieve, and this one because it is amazing and clever and WAAAAAY beyond what I’m ever likely to have the time and skills and materials to make. These shoes are phenomenal – so utterly perfectly made! The link goes to an album where you can see just how she did it, step by step!
This challenge was simply dripping with amazing headgear, which made it very hard to pick my favourite topper, so hats off to three people who made simple, un-showy, but beautifully constructed items: Isis’ Wardrobe for her 18th century cap, Antonia, for her 14th-15th century ‘St Brigitta’s caps’ reconstruction*, and Sewing Empire’s Regency cap á la Russe.
Challenge #8 — UFOs & PHDs
- Marie-Bastienne’s 1810s Redingote — She started this two years ago, and stuck it in the closet for the ensuing two years because she didn’t like how it was looking, which I can hardly believe, because the finished item is SO gorgeous!
Just look at the details on this:
- Ann’s early 19th century pocketbook — One of the oldest PHD’s completed (I think there is at least one older) at 15 years, this lovely pocketbook is both beautiful and useful.
- Ophelia’s 1880s ensemble — This outfit is elaborate and fabulous, and well, that pretty much covers it!
There were dozens more beautiful PHDs that finally got finished, but I find I am completely out of steam, and have reached gorgeous costume ennui, so I’ll leave this post at that.
I wanted to sadly point out the link to the golden boots Facebook page was broken, and then I realised my library internet connection turned itself off, as it is wont to do from time to time… Phew! So gorgeous! 🙂
And thank you again for doing this. Once again, I did not manage to follow it all.
Antonia and her husband look amazing!