All posts filed under: What I wear

The Sunshine Dorothy Lara 0Degrees frock

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a Wellington Sewing Bloggers 0Degrees post (read all about it and see the other links here) , and the challenge has hit some slight hiccups in the form of jobs, children, and viruses (as is inevitable),  so we’re still trying to catch up and fill in some of the links, but there is quite an impressive chain formed. And now, time for my link! This is my ‘Sunshine’ Decades of Style Dorothy Lara dress: Sunshine is definitely something that we need at the moment – the weather prediction for the next 10 days  is all 12 & 13 degrees, and I’m huddled in front of the heater in layers of merino looking a lot like this. So it’s nice to remember that not that long ago it was warm enough to wear little silk frocks and bare legs, and that eventually, a long time from now, that kind of weather will come around again. This dress links to both Nina’s Dorothy Lara (along with my feathered Dorothy …

A practice in Practicality: doing housework, 1910s style

Since the Historical Sew Monthly Challenge for May is ‘Practicality’ and one of my submissions for it is a 1910s blouse (from the Wearing History Elsie blouse pattern), I thought I should actually test the practicality of said blouse. Now, a blouse is a very practical garment – for a 1910s wardrobe.  It was inexpensive, versatile and washable, and was basically the 1910s version of a T-shirt. But how much could you actually do in it? And full 1910s undergarments (corset, combination, petticoats), skirt, and heeled shoes.  Plus a period apron for the messy  stuff. Well, I spent half a day in the full outfit  and I managed to: – tidy the house (general putting away the 37 things in each room that the elves seem to pull out of the drawers and closet every night and leave strewn about the house) – sweep the kitchen, lounge, and hall – mop the kitchen – wash dishes (by hand) – dust the dining room – do laundry (OK, with a washing machine) – make dinner It …

Going on a Gorilla Hunt

I love Art Deco Weekend in Napier, but I love it for the chance to dress up, and because I know so many fabulous people who go. I’m not actually that keen on most of the official  events of the weekend: generally  they involve crowds, being really hot, and announcers who say things like “When this building was new it was the Roaring ’20s and all of Napier was dancing to the Charleston” while I mutter things like “Oh, for Pete’s sake!  When this  building was new it was 1932, because there was this little earthquake thing in 1931 that levelled Napier, causing it to be rebuilt in Art Deco Style which is y’know, the whole reason we have this weekend – supposedly.  And ’32 is Great Depression, because the fall of ’29 put paid to the Roaring ’20s pretty effectively, all over the world.  Seriously, you’ve only been announcing this for what, 11 years?  Learn something!” Yes,  under my cap of dark gold waves  and cheery smile hides the soul of a curmudgeon.  One …