Five for Friday: What I’ve been up to, June Edition
What I’m working on: Trying to accomplish things faster than the disaster roller coaster that has become my life can run them down. I’m not sure what’s going on, but sometime between June & November last year Murphy’s Law decided to take a really personal interest in my life, and annoying, time consuming, money demanding things have happened one after the other. You’ve heard about the epic computer crash of January 2017, and then there was the stove that decided to stop working and needed replacing (buying appliances is pretty much my least favourite activity in the world, and takes forever), followed by ‘Oops, it turns out your electrical system won’t support a modern stove, you need to re-wire a big portion of your house’. This was followed by ‘Felicity needs dental surgery’, which is scheduled for next week and a bit, so I’m a little freaked out by that… And that’s the stuff I can tell you about (there have to be some boundaries). There are perks to some of the disasters. For example, …