HSM16 #1: The chine a la b’retch petticoat
Have you ever been obsessed with a period garment made from very unusual fabric, and, of course, you’re heartbroken, because you think you’ll never have the chance to recreate it, because where would you get that fabric? That was me with 18th century chine a la branche. I’ve loved ikat in all its forms since I was given a hand-woven ikat skirt when I first started sewing, but chine is definitely my favourite. But so hard to find! And then, three years ago, ikat became fashionable, and Wellington’s The Fabric Store started having the occasional bolt of silk or silk blend chine. Oh, the temptation! But none of it was quite right : wrong blend, very modern pattern, colours that are only achievable with modern dyes, etc. And then, they had a short bolt of this: Oooh! So I snapped up everything they had, which was only 2.3m. I really wanted to make a française, but at least I had a bit, so could do a pet en l’aire if nothing else. The idea of …