The HSF/M: Favourites for Challenge #4: War & Peace
There was a big drop-off in submissions for the HSM War & Peace challenge. Either the novelty wore off for some people after the first three challenges, the theme was too obscure, or it’s just a really busy time of year. Still, the submissions there were were fabulous, and hopefully people will regain their enthusiasm and we’ll see a surge in entries for future challenges. Not surprisingly, there were more entries tied to war’s influence on fashion than peace’s influence on fashion, but there was a fascinating spread of historical fashion from both ends of the spectrum. While there weren’t as many entries, there were some of my favourite entries of anything made so far this year, simply because of the research and history and new things I discovered. (and it’s become one of my favourite challenges personally because I finally had the excuse to make a dazzle swimsuit! Cue major excitement! Plus a 1940s dress and WWI era skirt – super productive month for me!). In picking items to showcase I’ve chosen the items …