The HSF/M Challenge #3: Stashbusting Favourites
Update: as many of you may know, this post had a little hiccup, where I published it, and then a few hours later WP freaked out, and reverted to an earlier version, with my favourites from the blue challenge. I’ve finally got it working again, so here (finally!) are my favourites for Stashbusting. As I expected, the HSF/M Challenge #3: Stashbusting was really popular. After all we’ve all got stashes that are in desperate need of being used up! So there were lots of amazing items: some with items that had been in the stash for years, some with items that have only been in the stash for a few months. Because the challenge fell just after Art Deco Weekend, my sewing was focused on 1930s: I used up some almost-pique I’ve had for 8 years on a ’30s summer suit, and a length of red & white fabric I’d had for two years on a halter, so I’m feeling pretty happy about my stash, even if my sewing wasn’t as exciting as some of …