All posts filed under: Historical Sew Fortnightly

A sporty ’30s summer suit – from stash

The third Historical Sew Monthly challenge of 2015 is Stashbusting. Now, most of my sewing IS from stash – the problem is that I keep adding to the stash. :-/  Or starting a project from stash and then finding I need 3m of some fabric I don’t already own to finish it! :-p I’m quite pleased about this outfit as a stash-busting exercise, because it’s from one of my oldest pieces of boughten stash.  Almost eight years ago, when I was just getting back into historical costuming, I bought ten metres of white cotton almost-pique at an Arthur Toyes 50% off sale (long shall we mourn their passing).  I bought it because it was 100% cotton fabric in white for $4 a metre, so how could I not? I has this idea that I would make a reproduction of the dress on the seated woman in Monet’s Women in the Garden, but I quickly realised the fabric wasn’t right for that.  I couldn’t quite give up on the idea, or the fabric, so it lingered …

HSF/M ’15: Challenge #2: Blue

The theme for the Historical Sew Monthly 2015 Challenge #2 is Blue: make something in any shade of blue. I knew it would be a popular colour challenge choice because blue is simply the most popular colour: it’s more peoples favourite colour than any other. Historically, it’s also been one of the most desirable colours in many historical periods and cultures, because the dyes used to achieve it were comparatively expensive and finicky, and the harder something is to achieved, the more expensive it is, and the more people want it. In addition to being an expensive dye, blue acquired even more  cachet in Europe in the Middle Ages when it became the colour associated with the robes of the Virgin Mary in devotional art.  Mary was painted in blue robes partly because blue was the colour of the heavens, but mostly because the most expensive paint available was ultramarine blue.  Mary was deemed worthy of only this rarest hue, this colour ‘from beyond the seas’, so was depicted in blue robes, often highlighted with …

The HSF ’14: Favourites for Challenges 21-24

Oh my goodness!  A month into the HSF/M 15!  Most of us are just finishing up our challenges for #1, Foundations, so let’s take a little break to look back and 2014, and some of the amazing things that were created in the last four challenges of the year. There are always too many fantastic things to choose from, and I always end up with lists that are twice as long as what I can post.  I try to highlight pieces that have interesting backstories, that are well made, and show research, thoughtfulness, and a stretch on the part of the maker.  Most of all my favourites represent the spirit of the Historical Sew Fortnightly; the quest to explore history, raise our skill levels and standard, stretch ourselves (or sometimes just get something done, rather than just procrastinating);  and  the spirit of the individual challenge. For every one piece I was able to feature, there are three or four fabulous ones with their own story that I couldn’t cover.    Have a browse of the …