HSM ’15 Challenge #1: Foundations
I usually try to write Historical Sew Fortnightly/Monthly inspiration posts wells in advance of the challenge, but I’m running quite late this year, so am writing this post only a few days before the challenge is over. Challenge #1 for the Historical Sew Monthly 2015 was Foundations. I deliberately left the challenge quite vague: “make something that is the foundation of an outfit (however you interpret that)” So what is a foundation? According to dictionary.com: [foun-dey-shuh n] noun 1. the basis or groundwork of anything: Lots of scope there! Interestingly, being able to write this post most of the way through the challenge, with a whole folder full of entries on FB, it turns out that most people have chosen a much more specific meaning: foundation garment noun 1. an undergarment, as a girdle or corset, worn by women to support or give shape to the contours of the body. Only you’ve extended that meaning to include any undergarment. Fascinating. One HSM-er mentioned that she thought foundations were anything that created structure – rather like …