All posts filed under: Miscellenia

Rate the Dress: Mid-Century Mourning

The last Rate the Dress choice was frothy Edwardian frills in pastel hues. This week it’s frothy mid-19th century frills in sable-on-sable. One of the most common dislikes for the Hallee dress was the colour. Perhaps you’ll like black better? Last Week:  a ca. 1900 afternoon dress by Hallee in lace and eu de nil Hallee dress was quite popular, as has been the case with most Edwardian froth on Rate the Dress. Some of you weren’t entirely sold on the colours, or the vertical lines (although the photo is rather misleading – the vertical inserts are totally symmetrical, some are just hidden in the folds). The Total: 8.5 out of 10 Not as good as the week before – as a couture piece, it wasn’t as good an example of its type as last week’s dressmaker’s creation.   This week: a ca. 1850 mourning dress. This week’s Rate the Dress will be a little bit different. It’s a full dress, but one that is so dependent on the accompanying garments and accessories that it’s …

A Chintz Robe for Lynne

Hurrah! Comments are back! Thanks to some awesome work by my brilliant webmaster, who figured out what the error was and did the way-beyond-my-capabilities fix that was needed, you can now see comments, and have conversations, and do all that stuff that makes blogging good. To celebrate, a blog post about someone who I met because they are an awesome commenter & community member. Lynne’s been following my blog and commenting and supporting since the very early days of my blogging. She joined back when the blogging world was tiny, and you felt like you knew everyone. It was so long ago going to meet an internet person in person was totally normal and not scary and potentially dangerous! So when Lynne asked me to come visit her, I went – and she’s been my costuming fairy godmother ever since. I had two lovely long visits amidst her beautiful gardens in Ashburton. I’ve since made lots of things from the gorgeous fabrics she’s gifted me (like this fur muff, and the wool for the fantail …