25 Search Results for: historical sew and eat retreat

NZ Sew & Eat Historical Retreat Food thedreamstress.com

The Sew & Eat Historical Retreat – the food

Aren’t you glad that the Otari Hoodie Sew Along is finished? First, it means that some of you have awesome hoodies that you can wear.  And second, it means that I can stop blogging hoodie instructions, and go back to blogging about random historical things, and whatever else I’m working on. Right now, the ‘random historical things’ means catching up on all the stuff I haven’t been blogging about while I was hoodie-ing, starting with the Sew & Eat Historical Retreat. I promised menu details in my first post, so here is more information. The real credit for the menu and cooking goes to Nina, who put together all the more spectacular and involved items, most of which I would never dare attempt*.  Hopefully she’ll blog more details about her food, so mine will be a briefer overview. I didn’t manage to photograph everything, as I got too excited about actually eating things, and just having fun. Friday Dinner:  ‘Malaga-tawnee Curee’ with potted hare Friday’s dinner was based on two extent Regency curry recipes (one …

Sew & Eat Historical Retreat thedreamstress.com

The 1st Annual* NZ Sew & Eat Historical Retreat

This time last year, when I realised that I couldn’t afford to go to Costume College 2018, I sobbed** about it to some friends, and the amazing Miss Priscilla said “Awww, we’ll throw a New Zealand CoCo for you”. Which is a pretty amazing offer considering that Priscilla isn’t a historical costumer! In wonderful synchronicity, Nina  of Smash the Stash had had me bring back a bunch of Regency sewing patterns from CoCo 17 so she could make a Regency wardrobe, and she started holding monthly historical sewing get-togethers. So once a month for all of 2018 Nina, Priscilla***, Eloise of Linen and Lining, and Hvitr of Historical Living  (and sometimes Madame O) have been getting together and working on historical sewing projects, and planning a reason to wear what we were working on.  And our reason, while not quite NZ CoCo, was wonderful and lovely (and maybe even better). We settled on a Labour Day Weekend sewing and dress up retreat, and found an adorable cottage on a beautiful estate just an hours drive …

Four people in Medieval costume imitate poses from illuminated manuscripts. On the left a woman in a red hood and green-yellow gown raises her arm. Next to her a woman in a pink dress and white wimple holds her hands demurely in front of her. In front of her a woman in a pink-purple dress and grey hood gestures. On the far right a man in a green tunic and yellow leggings raises a hand.

A bit of Medieval Mischief

We had a mixed-up Historical Sew and Eat Retreat this year, with a day of 18th century, and a day of Medieval.  Enjoy a bunch of photos of costumers of varying levels of expertise in 14th century English, French and Swedish fashions, and their time-travelling Viking friend!