The Accessorize challenge is coming up on the Historical Sew Fortnightly, and there is so much choice when it comes to what to make. So many beautiful period accessories, so many periods! These are just a few of the items that are at the top of my ‘need an excuse to make this’ list. First off, every girl needs a beautiful fan. I collect vintage fans – I should show you my collection. I also aim to make fans. I have hundreds I love, but one particular favourite is this spangled mid-19th century beauty. It has Greek key motifs around the brim! As you have probably realised, I’m a bit of a shoe aficionado, but there are certain pairs that just make my heart go pitter-patter with adoration. Like these: Oh happiness in shoe form! I’ve looked into Regency sandals, but before these I hadn’t realised there might be early 17th century sandals. I want to know more about them, and I want to make them, and I don’t think the latter is entirely beyond …