Rate the Dress: Charles I before he looked like Charles I
Last week, despite my (unvoiced) personal misgivings about wearing such a vast quantity of red, you were generally very approving of the 1865 red dress. Oh, you had a few niggling complaints: the skirt trimming was a bit off, the colour too tomato-y, the bodice too square, but it still came in at 7.7 out of 10. Since you like red, let’s look at another red outfit. And since tomato red wasn’t your favourite, maybe rose-red will be even better. Charles I is one of those historical figures that you have such a clear mental image of: the mustache, the hair, the boots, the capes! But he didn’t always dress like that. This is Charles in his formative years: Yep. Very late Elizabethian. Also very red. Red doublet, red cape, super-poofy red pantaloons, red tights, red shoe-rosettes. And a kinda hilariously phallic hat with red trimmings. What do you think of a guy in head to toe red? Is Charles working it and showing the sartorial awesomeness he would be known for later in life? …