All posts tagged: 16th century

Embarking on Elizabethan

Remember last year when I made a late Elizabethan pair of bodies?  And a farthingale? Now I’m finally tackling a dress to go over them! The dress is more of my ‘dabbling’ in Elizabethan, so it’s testing concepts rather than being 100% period accurate, and it’s also meant to be all from stash. Thanks to the fabulous Lynne, I had two huge curtains in red velvet, so that decided the dress fabric.  With red velvet in mind, I went looking for inspiration.  The obvious place to start for construction is  Janet Arnold, and for inspiration, (since it is Elizabethan), portraits of Queen Elizabeth I. I quite like van der Meulens’ 1560s portrait: I particularly like the more restrained ruff, and the open effect of the neckline.  And the fact that it’s in red velvet is an added perk! This portrait by an unknown artist has many of the same general design elements: I like the idea of separate rather than matching sleeves, a look that is also repeated in the Pelican Portrait: I am madly …

Rate the Dress: Titian’s Lady in White

There was no Rate the Dress last week due to frantic-business, so we have to go back two weeks, to the end-of-the-crinoline-era, what-is-this-thing gown?  There were a number of suggestions, but after a bit more research I think it is basically an early tea gown, which makes it (as Daniel and a couple others suggested) essentially a morning dress – something for informal, mainly indoor wear.  Things you liked about it included the impressive applique, and the lush fabric.  Things you didn’t like were the tassles (universally), shoulder bows (mostly), and the colour (mostly).  As a group you were divided on the loose fit and the peplum.  All that division really divided the score as well – down to a 6.9 out of 10 For this week’s Rate the Dress I present the serene simplicity (in a Renaissance sense of simplicity) of Titian’s Lady in White, with her fortune in pearls and flag fan. What do you think?  Does the monochrome frock make an impact with just a few (in a Renaissance sense of few) …