Rate the dress: James I of England (or VI of Scotland)
Last weeks ‘Rate the Dress’ was fantastic. Just what I hoped for. You put aside your respective prejudices or preferences for mantuas, and considered the blue and silver mantua I presented on it’s own merits. The result was either unabashed adoration, or the niggling feeling that something wasn’t quite right. The dress rated an 8 out of 10. Let’s see what you think of this week’s offering. I thought it was high time I gave you another man and his dress to consider. James was James I of England and James IV of Scotland. As the heir to the Virgin Queen and the ruler of two countries, James had a lot to live up to. In 1606 John de Critz painted the (presumably not virginal, as his wife had three kids) James in a suit of virginal white relieved by gold trim and a rich fur coat. What do you think? Does James look suitably regal? Or is he fated to be as overshadowed for his sartorial choices as he was for his political choices. …