Rate the Dress: A lady in red, Worth style
Last week I showed you a mid 18th c dress in yellow floral brocade with a link to a very interesting story (which, interestingly, not a one of you commented on!). You generally found the dress extremely nice, with a few reservations in regards to the petticoat trim, but only one of you loved it enough to give it a 10, so rated it an 8.4 out of 5. I wonder if the duke’s banyan would have done better! For this week’s Rate the Dress I’m staying with the 18th c and 18th c inspired theme, with a Charles Worth reception dress that is a prime example of the way 18th c fashions influenced 1880s styles, so much so that we often don’t notice the influence, because it became part of the standard 1880s dress vernacular. This ensemble, either in deep, rich wine reds, or classic tomato reds, depending on which picture you believe, features lace cuffs on the elbow-length sleeves that are a very obvious nod to 18th c engageantes. Further lace and beaded …