More pink dye
The benefit’s of dyeing the fabric for Emily’s dress meant that I got to dye some other stuff to go with the fabric, meaning perfectly matched dress accessories. Woot woot! In addition to the pink fabric, the original dress has pink ribbons trimming the top of the knife pleated ruffles on the hem, and would have had matching pink lacing cord for the bodice back. Unfortunately the original lacing cord has been lost and replaced with a synthetic alternative, so I just have to guess what the original cord looked like. When Emily’s dress was made the seamstresses probably just bought ribbon and lacing cords that came in almost matching colours. The shade of pink was probably fashionable and popular, and easy to match. I don’t have that luxury, but I do have one that is just as good. I can just use the same dye I used on the fabric to dye my accessories. This is what I dyed: So, after dyeing my pink fabric, I saved the dye, and a few days later …