Ridiculous adorableness: Wearing History’s 1917 combinations
Wearing History just came out with a new late-teens combination pattern taken directly from a period pattern. Naturally, I was super excited about it because I want to expand my 1910s wardrobe this year. I was even more excited about it when Lauren asked if I would pattern test it. Yes I would! (so yes, I got the pattern for free, and yes, I’m a total Wearing History fangirl, but I wasn’t paid anything for this post, any opinions are totally my own, and if anything, as everyone knows, I tend to be hypercritical of patterns.) The print-out e-version of the pattern was very easy to put together, and everything matched up perfectly. I chose the view with the scooped neck and buttoning-over under-extension (because hey, as long as you are making totally crazy 1910s, underwear, let’s go whole hog!). For my fabric I used an old cotton sheet – unfortunately I got my sheets mixed up at the last minute, and cut one I’d set aside for toiles only, because it was quite worn, …