All posts tagged: 1910s

Review: Folkwear #210 Armistice Blouse

In designing costumes for the Home Show, I consulted hundreds of photographs of New Zealanders during WWI, and noticed that many women were wearing blouses similar to the classic 1910s blouse pattern: Folkwear #210, the Armistice Blouse.  I’ve had this pattern for years, but never used it.  Perfect opportunity to make it up for Maggie! (apologies in advance for the dreadful photographs of the pattern.  I spent all day hunting for it, and finally found it once the light was gone.  I’ll take better ones tomorrow and replace them) What it is: A pattern based on blouses from 1915-1919.  It’s not clear if the pattern is based on an extent blouse, extent patterns, or just a sampling of the most common blouse characteristics from this period, though I really suspect from making it up that it isn’t 100% historically accurate. It comes with options for a drawn-thread-work front, or a pintucked front, and for lace trim. My version: My version is made of a hard-wearing, washable black silk with a slight slub (I made Mr …

Styles for girls of all ages, 1911

This is another title that just tickles me pink.  I do wonder if The Girl’s Own Paper was using it in the modern sense (as in ‘the child in all of us’ etc.) or that they meant ‘girls from 8-18’ or (worst of all) ‘anyone unmarried’.  Whatever the case, I’d certainly wear some of these styles! First some blouses for older girls: The blouse patterns are all (according to the magazine) based on the same basic shirt pattern, and can be made in any fabric, though hand-embroidery is most effective on linen. Then some littler girl’s clothes: And finally, a well fitted coat for someone of indeterminate girlishness: