All posts tagged: 1910s

A pair of picture hats

Yesterday’s post on the history of picture hats reminded Lynne of two of her family photographs, and she has kindly let me show them to you. Here are Lynne’s Great Aunt Alice and Alice’s sister, her Grandmother Florence.  Florence immigrated to NZ before WWI as a children’s nursemaid. Based on advertisements I have seen, and numerous examples of women who came to NZ via this route, there was considerable demand for domestic help, and nursemaids and governesses in particular, in pre-WWI NZ.   It was an easy way for women without a lot of means to have their passage paid, but most quickly married or moved on to other positions once they arrived.  Early 20th century NZ society was much more democratic than its British counterpart, and the strict class system that characterised Britain did not hold here. But that’s an aside.  Today we are focusing on Alice and Florence.  I already love this pictures, first because they symbolise the sharing and knowledge that the blog world has fostered, and second, because of the similarities …

Patterns for a 1911 wedding dress

Want to recreate one of the gorgeous 1911 wedding dresses we have looked at?  Unless you are brave and foolish (e.g. me) you’ll want a pattern.  Here are some that might help: The S&S 1910s tea gown pattern generally receives excellent reviews and is very similar in cut to many of the wedding dresses we’ve seen.  The sleeves appear to be a bit shorter than most examples, but it shouldn’t be too hard to lengthen them or to add lace undersleeves.  You could also lengthen the skirt to form a train if desired.  The one slightly tricky thing will be filling the neckline, as its much too low for a daytime wedding.  The easy way to fix this?  With a guimpe!   (Note to self – do a guimpe tutorial).  This is perfectly historical, as I’ve found quite a few 19teens wedding descriptions that make note of the guimpe, and  there are examples of 1910s wedding dresses that were worn with guimpes for the wedding, and without for evening wear after. Sense & Sensibility also …

Real wedding dresses of 1911

Continuing with our 1911 wedding theme, here are some stunning extent 1911ish wedding dresses: One from 1909, but on the cutting edge of fashion, so I’m including it: Quite a daringly low neckline for a wedding dress!  It was probably worn over a guimpe.  I love the satin on satin overtunic with a train. Anyone recognise what collection this is out of?  I know I know that background, but can’t place it.  The dress is such a great example of Medieval revivalism in the 19teens. Continuing the satin theme, a classic satin sheath with a bit of ruching and lace and a full train.  Also probably worn with a giumpe, as is the next one: This wedding dress looks like it has a marquisette tunic, just like Tara’s great-grandmothers (and yes, that’s a hint about tomorrow’s terminology post). I just LOVE this Russian wedding dress.  I can’t quite tell what is going on at the hem, but it just ads to the overall graphic simplicity.  It manages to be both very traditionally wedding-y, and quite …