Rate the Dress: Green and Black in 1928
Whew! Wedding fever is over, and I’ve gotta tell you, I’m a little sick of white and lace and really sick of the news over-analyzing every single aspect of the royal wedding. So lets move away from weddings and fancy dresses and look at something fresh and new and spring-green-y (or, possibly, dowdy and old and grandma-print floral, depending on how you feel about it.) This week’s dress is a modest afternoon dress from 1928. It’s an unusual colour combination, and a very typically non-body conscious 1920s cut, with touches like the pussy-bow collar which anticipate 1930s fashions. I’ve only ever presented one proper 1920s designs in my ‘Rate the Dress’, so I’m very interested to see how the decade fares in a wider scope. Rate the Dress on a scale of 1 to 10