Working on the Wearing History 1916 Suit
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been plugging away on the Wearing History 1916 Suit. It’s going pretty slowly, because I’ve got a lot else on, but progress is being made. For one thing, the skirt is done! Actually, it’s been done for over a week, but I’ve been too busy/sick to blog about it, and haven’t managed to wear it or take proper photos yet. If you are making the full suit, the Wearing History pattern prints out at a whopping 100 A4 pages of pattern pieces – plus instructions. Worth it though: look how fabulous it is! For my fabric, I polled people on The Dreamstress FB page on fabric choices, and settled on a lightweight worsted wool in black with charcoal stripes (the other options were a black & white rayon check and a brown linen). Then I settled down to tape pages together. And tape. And tape. I rather like taping print-at-home patterns. It’s quite meditative, and you get into a rhythm. Here is how I do it, if you …