All posts tagged: animals

Those crazy (creepy) Victorians – take 4

Some time ago, someone mentioned Walter Potter to me, but foolishly, I didn’t look in to him. Last week, I was reminded again.  And boy, have my eyes been opened. This is Walter Potter: He looks like a lovely, staid Victorian gentleman. Until you see what he did for a job. This is Potter’s most famous work: Yes, those are kittens. Taxidermied kittens. Having a tea party. Felicity does not approve. (Damian Hirst does though, go figure) Potter worked with other animals too: Who thinks up exercising toads?  I mean, really!?! Apparently they are all mechanised, and do their individual exercises. Freaky. When  bunnies at school starts too look ‘normal’, you know you have seen too many of these works. Only the Victorian’s could have thought up, and celebrated, something like this. The genre is called ‘Victorian Whimsy’.  Really. Potter ran a museum dedicated to his works in Brighton.  Tourists could take special coach trips from Brighton just to see the works too.  I kid you not. Should you really feel the need to see …