Great Big Sea is Great: or why I’m really in Melbourne
So, I’ve been telling you all about coming to Melbourne for weeks, and about the corset class I’m teaching. And I am super excited about the corset class, but it’s not why I’m in Melbourne. Oh no, teaching at Thread Den is just an awesome bonus. The real reason I am here is quite a story. You see, there is this Newfoundland folk rock band called Great Big Sea. These guys: And they are amazing. Love their music, own every CD, listen to them constantly. And that’s great. But what Great Big Sea is really known for is their concerts. They are supposed to be phenomenal live. And I’ve been trying to see them live for years. I’ve had tickets to their concerts three times, and have missed them at the last minute due to traffic jams/flight delays/strep throat/tornados/volcanos/killer jellyfish swarms etc. etc. (OK some of those are exaggerations). And now I live in New Zealand. And Great Big Sea has never performed in the Southern Hemisphere. Do you know how far New Zealand is …