Rate the Dress: Heather’s purple in 1910
Last weeks 1830s dress received surprisingly (at least compared to the popularity of 1830s fashions in the past) good reviews, with the only major complaint among most of you being that the colour was unflattering. The dress rated a 7.4 out of 10 To counter the claims of unflattering colours, this week I feature a dress that we know was specifically chosen by the wearer because she found the colour flattering. This summer day dress is from the wardrobe of Miss Heather Firbank, daughter of a wealthy British MP. According to her brothers biographer, Heather “had beauty, and she adorned it with exquisite clothes of a heather colour to complement her name”. This palest lavender dress could certainly be described as heather coloured, but is it exquisite? And is the shade flattering? Or a little insipid? Rate the Dress on a scale of 1 to 10