All posts tagged: family

My little sister is the awesomest thing ever

She’s been in NZ for three weeks.  On the day she arrived she helped make 2 meals, washed all my dishes, and was generally fabulous.  Since then, she’s cooked a dozen delicious dinners, helped the in-laws paint their rumpus room, watched Firefly with me, gone on a hike a day, and just been generally wonderful.  I can’t make her not help out and clean things, even if I try. I love her!  I want her to move here forever (only her legions of fans in the rest of the world would hate me if she did).

Happy news

Something to cheer me up for the season: My little sister is coming to NZ for a working holiday.  She could stay as long as a year!  Yay! This sister is the Naiad, the one who is a professional chef. Uh-oh.  I see lots of exercising in my future. Yep, lots and lots of exercising She arrives Boxing Day, which is the day after Christmas.  I’m so excited!