Travels in New Zealand: Tunnel Beach, Dunedin
I spent last week in Dunedin, which was quite lovely, as I’ve never really had the opportunity to be a tourist in New Zealand. I had lots of fun adventures, and I’ll be blogging a few of them. This one started the minute I got off the plane. Airport corridors in New Zealand are plastered with panoramic views of local scenic spots, and little stories about them. De-planeing in Dunedin, I caught a few sentences of one story “the tunnel was hand-carved through meters of solid rock” “workers were forbidden from using the beach” “his daughter bathed in privacy” “local mermaid sightings increased.” (sadly I didn’t get photos because of all the impatient people de-planeing with me, so if you happen to be in the Dunedin International Airport (aka the tiny building in the cow pasture) and can photograph or transcribe the actual story for me, you’d be my hero!) Intrigued, I asked my hosts about the story. “Oh, that’s Tunnel Beach! We’re going to take you there!” This is the story I compiled from …