All posts tagged: Poland

Rate the Dress: Anna Karolina in blue

A few of you like the red floral and striped 1890s dress last week, but most of you found it well, frankly headache inducing, or even more frankly, umm…anatomically suggestive.  I was NOT expecting that!  Eye-strain or brain-stain, the dress raked in a barely positive  5.9  out of 10. This week I’m going from anatomically suggestive dress to someone who probably would have enjoyed the suggestion. Anna Karolina Orzelska, the illegitemate daughter of Augustus II of Saxony and Poland, is shown in a blue dress with silver trimmings.  Anna was an ‘adventuress’ (was there ever a more evocative description?) known for her beauty, uncanny resemblance to her father, and scandalous behaviour – quite a feat considering she lived at the wildest court in early 18th century Europe! via Wikimedia Commons When not posing in pretty (?) blue dresses Anna entertained herself by drinking, smoking, dressing like a man, and having numerous affairs, including one with the future Frederick the Great of Prussia. Her life was certainly wild and unconventional, but what do you think of …