All posts tagged: quilted petticoat

A quick quilted petticoat for Ninon

I think the undergarments for Ninon’s dress are just fated to not be historically accurate. It’s a complete contrast to the dress, which is nitpickingly so. The problem is that there just isn’t enough research and evidence and extent 17th century undergarments, and I’m not willing to put a huge amount of effort into a garment that might not work.  So I’m doing quick and dirty prototype undergarments to go with Ninon’s dress, and later, when I’ve worked out all the details, I’ll make proper historically plausible versions of them. For now though, quick and dirty will have to do.  So for my quick and dirty skirt supports I made a quilted petticoat.  We have lots of examples of quilted 18th century petticoats, and there are quite a few mentions of quilted petticoats in 17th century writings, so the idea is sound even if we don’t know exactly how they were constructed. For my petticoat I used a few metres of yellow polished cotton that I picked up cheap at an op shop (not that …