Beautiful shoes to admire from afar, and beautiful shoes to own
I love shoes. And as a fashion and textile historian, I often find myself nose to glass (or computer screen), drooling over a fabulous pair of antique shoes which I will never own, and which I couldn’t fit even if I did. These are my current favourites: I want them! I love them! I’d give so much to see the dress they were worn with! Alas, I cannot have them. But, I can console myself a little bit, because there are some utterly gorgeous, historically accurate, fairly reasonably priced shoes that I can have. These ones: The fabulous American Duchess has gone to a lot of work to design these shoes and to make them available to other costumers and historical enthusiasts. They are dyeable silk, and are fully leather lined. You can wear them with buckles, or with bows. And, if you order before April 22 you save $20. Sweet! I’m getting a pair (two if I am lucky) for my birthday. I can’t wait to decide what colour to dye them…and how to …