Winter Coat Weekend & my first coat
Next weekend is my Winter Coat Weekend class at Made on Marion – where we’ll get all the tricky bits of a coat done in one weekend (and, depending on your pattern, all of it, done). This is very much how I made my first coat: two days of mad, happy sewing, learning about bound buttonholes and welt-flap pockets and tailoring wool with the guidance of an expert seamstress. I’m still really proud of that coat: it was a beautiful thing, black wool, silver lining, fabulous silver & black buttons, bound buttonholes, welt-flap pockets, topstitched collar. It was a testament to my time and growing knowledge, and to the people who taught me. It fit well, was super warm and comfortable, and went everywhere and did everything to me. I wore it in San Francisco winters and NYC spring snowfalls, to rugby games in Wellington, and everywhere in between. Alas, when I moved to NZ it was too heavy to pack, and I gave it away. For all I know it may be still out …