The first official challenge in the Historical Sew Fortnightly is ‘Bi/Tri/Quadri/Quin/Sex/
In this challenge I’m asking you to sew something that would have been worn in __13, whether it be 1913, 1613, or 13BC.
As it is often hard to precisely date historical garments, and we don’t toss our clothes at the end of every year, aim for a garment that would not have been noticeable out-of-date for the type of garment and the person wearing it in _13. For example, a lower class apron from 1813 might look much the same as one from 1805, but a Parisian evening gown from 1905 would have been terribly outdated in 1913.
When you are done, post a link to your photos or blog post in the comments, or in the event photo album on Facebook.
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Some inspiration to get you started.
What am I making? This:

Fashion plate featuring a dress made of Kashmiri shawls, 1812
You can follow along with my progress on the portfolio page.
See what everyone else made in the Facebook Album.
I think I’ll make an early 12th century, Spanish tunica – I’ve always wanted to, and here’s a chance!
Woo! Finished the challenge a few days ago! It’s an 1813 evening gown. Pictures and the details are on my blog, here:
I’ve finally finished my 1813 spencer! Blogged about here:
Finished, yay! Now some days rest before the next one…. The blog posts can be seen here:
The rest of the blog tends to be in Swedish, so this link will lead to the English posts about the HSF-challenges.
I’ve done a 1913 corset:
I’m hoping I understand the whole due date thing…we were supposed to be done sewing by the 14th, but now we’re still ok to post our project within the next 2 weeks? Hope I’m interpreting the instructions correctly and if so I’ll go post on the Facebook page tomorrow… In the meantime here’s my stab at pockets that could have beem used in 1713…
Hi Anna,
Yes, that’s right! Aim to be done by the 14th, but I don’t mind if the photos are a bit late. Lovely pockets, a wonderful first challenge!
Thanks so much, and thanks for the clarification! And for putting this whole thing on….it gives me a great excuse when I don’t want to hang out with certain people…”oh, no, I’m sorry…I’m part of this sewing challenge and I have a deadline tonight…” Haha.
Delighted to report I’m done with another waistcoat, but even better, I found its ancestor!
It’s probably better for 1813 than the year it will be worn in, which is kind of funny.I felt bad about flexing the date for the HSF, only to discover it’s probably more likely that I should worry about where it will be worn. Such is historical sewing…thank goodness menswear changes slowly!
I’m delighted to report being done with another waistcoat, but even better, I found its antecedent! And as it happens, the garment is probably better for the HSF than for where it will be worn…sshh!
blogger.comOk, here’s mine finally. I finished Saturday. Just barely though. My first plan was a disaster.;postID=5237330055027497225
Update on blog link. This one should work.
I finished mine! I made some late 1790s transitional-style stays, to be worn under both late 1790s gowns and under 1800s into 1810s gowns. And they’re pink! Well, mauve…
Yay! I actually like that you embraced the idea of something that might be worn for decades. And that you got the reference in the write-up heading 😉
It really worked out so well for me. I’ve still got a ton of stuff to do before the middle of June, but it’s a huge relief to have this foundation taken care of so fast. 😀
Ha! I noticed that when I first started reading your site! I actually haven’t watched the TV show much, but before TV it was on the radio and I’m a huge OTR buff. There are another couple of radio shows he starred in, too. His delivery is so distinctive.
Ridiculously late! But atleast I finished the project which is what was most important to me 🙂 and it got another UFO project off the pile, now to go attack another UFO for the next challenge.
Yay! I believe in finishing, even if late!
I sewed an 1813 Brandenburg style spencer!
I have a different blog now. My 1812 military style spencer can be found here:
Hi, Thinking about joing in here…question: would hats be acceptable? I hand sew all my hats..
Thank you