Felicity, Miscellenia

Felicity and I have been very busy

We’ve got lots and lots of sewing, and cleaning, and corseting, and shopping, and planning work done.

I wish we had time to take a break and have a little nap.

Naps are the best

But I have a talk this evening, so no nap for me.  I need to do more sewing and planning so everything is perfect.

Felicity will just have to nap for both of us.


  1. jackiead says

    There is nothing more relaxing then to snuggle up for a nap with your cat. And Felicity does her job so well.
    Felicity reminds me of my cat Abbey. Cats are one of the best therapies for stress reduction.

  2. Napping with a cat – one that is calm and won’t tear your blanket apart – is surely one of the best forms of relaxation.

    Also: In your new poll, I voted “Europe”, which is funny, because I AM in Europe. Somehow, all of my most desired travel destinations are in Europe…

    Good luck with the talk!

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