19th Century

Juno dress: draping the skirt

The Juno dress is coming along. I’ve been draping the skirt.

First I needed to patch the last bits of support fabric (the dark blue) that weren’t covered because the duchesse wasn’t wide enough to drape all the way across the skirt.

Pinning a patch of fabric on

I just used scraps of fabric for the patching, because it is all in areas that will be hidden by the tulle

The sewn-in fabric patch

With that all done, I sewed the back of the skirt on, and arranged the pleats:

Pinning and arranging double box-pleats

A side view to show how the pleating of the front meets the back

The pleats, flat

And sewn in

The front draping is looking rather nice too.

Front meets back

Now, I’m sure you have all been looking at this and thinking “that doesn’t look like train on your inspiration picture!”

And no, it doesn’t. But it will. If you’ve been following my facebook page you may have an inkling of why it doesn’t look like the train above, and how it will. If you don’t follow my facebook page, you’ll have to wait a few days to find out.

I’m off to go drape some tulle now.


  1. It looks lovely already, the skirt alone is like a sculpture.
    Keep up the good work.

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