Here are the rest of my vintage patterns. Most I inherited from Grandma or was given by Auntie Artie.

Adorable blouses, though I don’t think they will suit me

The hairdos! The attitude! The hip-hugger pants!

Negligee, sleeves, and aprons (and such aprons!)

I love the simplicity and elegance of the middle dress

The pattern on the left reminds me of candy stripers!

Just looking at these makes me feel a little bit more fabulous.

I don’t know if I like the blouses or the hairdos more

Housedresses and maternity wear – not glamourous, but interesting!

Party time! And I loooooooove the pattern on the right – especially in stripes

It looks just like the costume designs for An Education

I’m so excited about the accessories patterns! I don’t make a lot of hats.

These are so ridiculously pretty and feminine

Vintage Hawaiian patterns! Mum got me these as a present

Fabulous, and hilarious!
Now I just need the time to sew some of them up, though I have to say, I’m loving some of the commissions I’m working on right now!
OH yummy! I love those aprons, would love to see the patterns. ALso, I made a pink and grey satin dressing gown very like the middle ochre coloured one about 12 years ago, it was so fabulous. I saw a production of Design for Living at Circa, and the leading lady wore fab pyjamas and kimono in pink and grey satin that really inspired me – when I went to Snotfight to source fabric I found the two bolts together in the wrong place so I suspect it was the same stuff. Anyway it was wonderful – big shawl colour, wrap over and cut with a flare.
Thanks for sharing your grandmother’s patterns they bring back many memories. The Jiffy Simplicity patterns were some of the first patterns I started sewing with during the mid 1960’s while in junior high. I made dozens of these dresses for my two sisters and myself; public school dress code required all females to wear a dress or skirt to school while I attended. I had forgotten how easy theses dresses were to sew up. The middle Simplicity dress pattern with the full shirt was called a tent dress. And I remember the dresses during the mid to late 1960’s were worn so short it was hard to bend down to pick up anything without everyone seeing what you wore under your dress.
Lust. Sigh.