Rate the Dress: peaches and daisies in the late 1860s
Gosh, all my Rate the Dress selections have been doing so well lately! Even when I pick ensembles I think you will all hate you like them! I wasn’t sure what you would make of the 1917 golfing togs last week, but despite a few dismal ratings, it still managed a respectable 7.3 out of 10 – not bad for a difficult period and a saucepan hat! Let’s see if I can do it again this week. You often like 1860s, but this reception dress for sale on antique-frock.com is quite specific in its design details and colouring. What do you think? Is palest grey with peach and black daisy trim working for you? Do you like the neck ruffles and skirt pleats? The curtain effect on the skirt front? Will this be a smash hit, or should we bring the curtain down? Rate the Dress on a Scale of 1 to 10