
Ramsay to Renoir in photos

Ramsay to Renoir

My charity talk for LifeLinc went off beautifully last weekend, thanks to fantastic organisation on their part, and an absolutely wonderful set of models.

Here are my favourite photos of the day:

Ramsay to Renoir

I couldn’t bring a full contingent of shoes down to Nelson, and the ones I did bring didn’t fit Miss Francaise that well, so we had fun with her shoe collection.

Sometimes it’s nice to be historically accurate, and sometimes it’s nice to rock My Little Pony high tops.

Ramsay to Renoir

The Frou Frou Francaise was wearable-done, but needed more trimming.  Having seen it on a model, I’ve decided I’m not totally happy with the back pleats or sleeves, and am going to re-do those.

Ramsay to Renoir

Miss Ninon was the youngest model I’ve ever worked with, and looked absolutely perfect.

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

And what luck to get a model who looks exactly like Jane Bennet!

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Ramsay to Renoir

Thank you thank you to all the models, and to everyone who came.


  1. Lynne says

    Your models are perfect – including you, my dear! So good to see!

  2. Karen Motylewski says

    Thank you for all you share. Beautiful blend of fun, aesthetic pleasure, and education.

  3. Good to hear it went well! You all look amazing, and the Francaise pairs very well with MLP high tops.

  4. My knee-high MLP socks with the tassel-fringe tails and I approve of this shoe decision so hard.

    I honestly don’t know which ensemble I like best – they’re all gorgeous! Though I am completely enamoured with that blue corset and I kind of want my own version in pink. >.>

  5. Glad it was a success! As a side note, your hair looks so elegant in that style!


  6. These pictures are all beautiful, with a heavy bias towards blue! I do really like the My Little Pony boots, I think it would fit very well with the time to have whimsical pieces of clothing like that.

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