
Mansfield & the Modern Woman: a fashion history talk

Ruffled unders at Ruffles & Rebellion

Need some fashion history in your weekend?

Come hear me talk about Katherine Mansfield, the New Zealand suffrage movement, and ideals and archetypes of femininity in late 19th & early 20th c New Zealand – all illustrated with models in gorgeous costumes.

Mansfield & the Modern Woman

New Zealand Portrait Gallery, Shed 11  

Sunday, 7th October, 1pm


This talk is part of Mansfield 130 and Suffrage 125

There will be models in gorgeous dresses, fabulous artwork, and interesting history.  What’s not to love?

If you aren’t able to come in person, enjoy some of the media coverage of me in preparation for the event:


  1. WENDY RATTER says

    I saw you in the (paper version) of the Herald last week – well done! Wish i could come to the talk but alas I am too skint to travel to Wellington from the sunny BOP. Hope it all goes swimmingly.

  2. Alas, my schedule is unusually packed that day! (But thanks for providing the links.)
    I’ve found myself doing a little Dreamstress-inspired mini-rant every time someone starts spouting inaccuracies about corsets, usually in films or books.
    The recentish Alice in Wonderland film bugged me with the suggestion that a rebellious young woman might just omit her corset – as though her outfit would just magically work without one (no fit issues, no sagging…)! Never mind Wonderland; it was the “real” world that strained my suspension of disbelief.

    • Elise says

      You know, I was just bra-shopping. The thought of going without “support”, even as a small-breasted woman, sounds painful. I vote shenanigans.

      BACK to the topic at-hand–this sounds so great! Thanks for the links. NZ was one of the first to support Women’s Suffrage, right? Representation and equal treatment is certainly at a flashpoint world-wide. Today in the US, there are attempts to suppress the vote of First Nations people (!!!). Please Please Please make sure you say something about Jacinda Ardern in the UK: heavily pregnant physically and sartorially. The neat thing about clothes is that they make statements large and small. Even within a single home during WWI, there are multitudes.

  3. What a wonderful event it would be to attend. Thanks for the pictures and look forward to your thoughts afterward.

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