
Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

It’s been too long since I did a Felicity post.  I don’t want to turn into the kind of blogger-becomes-patternmaker who only blogs about their patterns.  But… all my cute recent photos of Felicity are of her getting involved with making the Selina Blouse pattern and samples!

So I hope you’ll forgive another Selina post, as long as it involved Felicity adorableness.

Felicity helped with every bit of the Selina Blouse.

She had her paw in on the initial pattern development:

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

And applied her expertise to choosing fabric for the pattern samples, and making the models comfortable:

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

I only lie on the highest quality fabrics

And making sure I took cuddle breaks:

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Then she helped keep my blood pressure nice and elevated by sleeping on the in-progress samples whenever they were full of pins.

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Not stabby enough…

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Ah, perfect…

I guess she likes to live dangerously even while she sleeps!

She also agreed to sleep on non-pinny things, as long as it caused maximum inconvenience:

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Oh, were you cutting here?

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Or sewing these?

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

On this?  While sitting on this seat?

Finally she kept a close (closed) eye as I applied the last edit to the pattern instructions (in pyjamas on my laptop on the couch – sometimes work is really fabulous!).

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

Felicity helps with the Selina Blouse scrooppatterns.com

What a helpful kitty!


  1. Theresa Winters says

    Living her best life – and helping you live yours!

  2. Dora says

    Who could ask for a better assistant?! (Assistcat? Too silly?)

  3. Elise says

    She is so lovely. You have a great Fuzzy Seamstress!

  4. nofixedstars says

    she is delightful. what would we do without our feline helpers?! 😉

  5. Snow says

    Felicity is the best sewing cat. Thanks for letting us see her in her glory.

  6. Let’s take Dora’s cute moniker and add a letter to get…Assisticat!

    Blissing out with your kitty while completing a project: it can hardly be more delightful. She’s a darling to lower your BP after raising it.

    Yours purrfully,

    Natalie way across the pond in Kentucky usa

  7. Tsu Dho Nimh says

    Mine would be shredding the pattern paper, batting the thread spools off the machine, chewing the twill tape and being all-round nuisances.

  8. Lisa A says

    Felicity photo-ops–welcome any time! My helpers (both feline and canine) like to apply a liberal coating of fur to pre- and post-production projects.

  9. Alicia says

    Oh my! She’s beautiful. I have a long-haired dilute calico and they are crazy charmers and very good cuddlers.

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