All posts filed under: 19th Century

Tea times two

Here are a few more photos from the Afternoon Tea fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House.   There is a funny story behind why I am posting these photos involving certain people thinking that the gorgeous Rachel (who is wearing Japonisme, which I almost always wear) was me, because I didn’t post any photos of me.  Flattering as that is, I thought I’d best post some of me to clear up any confusion!

Rate the Dress: Queen Adelaide in velvet and lace

Hrrmph.  I try to keep my opinions about Rate the Dresses under covers, but your review of last week’s Worth dress rather disappointed me.  Whilst I knew the aesthetics of the zig-zag Roger Worth dress might prove challenging, I’d hoped that more of you would recognise the artistry of the construction: the brilliance of the stiffened front-raised hemline, allowing easy walking and dancing, and creating the most amazing movement in the skirt; the clever, clever sleeves, cut at one with the bodice; the un-pieced skirt, with shaping achieved through tucks.  And yet, it was these very things that so many of you disliked!  A few loved the dress (I love the dress), but so many of you hated it that it came in at a 5.3 out of 10.  Poor Roger: worse even then his grandfather! Carrying on the zig-zag theme from last week, here is Queen Adelaide (consort of William IV of England and aunt to Queen Victoria) in a very regal 1830s gown with fascinating zig-zagged sleeve details, and luscious blonde lace sleeves. …

There is just something about red shoes

I just love red shoes.  They are like happiness for your feet. Amazingly, I’ve owned very few red shoes, because the modern ones just aren’t as pretty as my historical ideals. Want to see some of the ones I lust after? This pair is darling, but so practical.  If a modern shoe company came out with a replica, I would buy them in a heartbeat! This pair may not be quite as practical, but, oh, that fabric! And just imagine how gorgeous these shoes would have looked when worn, with the little tassel swaying jauntily with each step.  Darling! Actually, now that I think of it, that tassel and buckle is something I could do myself.  I must make it happen! I like the juxtaposition of the tasseled pair and this much more recent pair.  I’d wear either in a heartbeat. Speaking of red and black shoes, the next pair is more red than black, but I think we can agree they deserve to be featured.  They are embroidered in strawberries after all! Speaking of …