All posts filed under: 20th Century

A pin-up of the ’20s

While images of saucy women have been popular as long as there were images of anything, I’ve always thought of pin-up girls as quintessentially 1940s and 50s (with just a little bit of late ’30s).  And nothing says pin-up girl more than the accidental reveal pose: the gust of wind, the playful dog, or the spilled ink that causes the skirt to be lifted, revealing the tops of stockings. Oooh naughty! Apparently though, that pose goes back a few decades earlier.  Check out this coquettish publicity shot of ’20s darling Madge Bellamy:    

Rate the dress: Lace and fur in 1910

Well, you have had two weeks now of vivid red Rate the Dresses.  You liked the rose-red of Charles I’s outfit better than the tomato red of the 1860s dress, but other than the colour Charles’ 1610s outfit didn’t fare too well.  You rated it a paltry 4.7 out of 10, and dubbed it a representation of the ugliest period in fashion ever, but I daresay it would have come off worse had it not been red. Popular as it may be, I can’t show you red outfits for every Rate the Dress.  It would get monotonous, and I think it gives them an unfair advantage.  Personally, I’m a huge fan of neutrals, partly because I feel a neutral frock really has to work for approval: if it isn’t right, you notice, where a bright colour can hide shoddy design. Shoddy design is, of course, a matter of taste and time.  It had never occurred to me that this was a fashion no-no, but in Flora Klickmann’s Flower Patch books, she complains about the “innappropriate, …

Emile/Neil the Zombie killer

I don’t have nearly as many pictures of Emile as Elizabeth, but I did get a great series from an acting session of total awesomeness. Emile was practicing the scene where he confronts the zombies and Murder Legendre, and they got a bunch of people to stand around him and yell “GRRrarrr!” and he turned and “shot’ the person as they yelled.  I got 20 photos in under a minute as he jumped from side to side. Along with the 3 hour jacket Emile is wearing a pair of jodhpurs from a costume shop that I altered slightly, dreadful riding boot patterned gumboots (rubber wellys), and a linen shirt.