All posts filed under: What I wear

Bluebell trousers and adventures with swans

I’ve been holding off on showing you photos of these trousers because all the photos I have of them are rubbish.  But they’ve been done for almost three months now, and I do have some photos of them, and even if the photos are rubbish, at least there is a fun story attached! I started these trousers last autumn (so yes, well over six months ago!) along with a class who were making them: These are made from the same altered version of Wearing History’s Chic Ahoy trousers as my Pants that Never End.  The fabric is an absolutely delicious lightweight worsted wool that I was given by the wonderful Lynne.  It’s a fabulous colour: grey in some lights, purple in others. The fabric isn’t quite as successful as the linen was, simply because it is so light and clinging that I feel the need to wear smoother pants underneath, which is more effort than I can usually be bothered with (tap pants are easy and wonderful, smoothers are a hassle.  I’m very specific!).  It …

A Miramar Gothic Dress

A Miramar Gothic Dress

Some of the most popular sewing classes I teach are focused on sewing with knits: lots of experienced sewers have never worked with knits, and knits are a great next step for beginner sewers.  I teach classes on T-shirts, knickers & leggings, but the first two can  be fairly fussy & stressful for beginners (bindings are tricky!), and they are all really pragmatic.   I wanted to be able to offer a REALLY easy class with no bindings or set-in sleeves, for a knit garment that could be  practical  or glamorous, and winter or summer appropriate. So, playing around with this idea, and riffing off a couple of tops I’ve owned and loved over the years, I came up with the Miramar dress and top.  It’s got cut-on sleeves, a flattering V-neck, and can be as fun or elegant as you want, depending on fabric.  Plus, with just two pattern pieces, it goes together quickly. Quickly is where this dress comes in.  Mr D & I were heading down to Nelson for his grandfather’s 90th …

The 1930s inspired Stella Skirt

The weather in Wellington has been conspiring to make it easy for me to get lots of sewing done, and hard for me to get the sewing photographed.  It’s been cold, dark and wet – or at least it has on any day when I’ve had any time to get photographs. This weekend a sun, free time, and a photographer (Madame O, yay!) finally managed to all happen at the same time.    Unfortunately, the rest of the  circumstances  conspired against me.  It may have been sunny, but it was still  very  cold.  And we were late setting out, so the best of the sun and light had passed.  And it was even more cold. Plus, I’ve got muscle and nerve damage above one eye (word to the wise: try not to get bitten on the face by a centipede, those bastards are evil), and when I get really cold the muscles just stop responding, and I end up looking like a literal Picasso. And to top it all off  I’ve had a little problem …