Welcome to my sewing space(s): The WSB sewing room tour
A month or more ago, the lovely Gemma of the Wellington Sewing Bloggers Network had the cunning idea that we should all show off our sewing spaces ‘as they really are’, to show people how we sew and organise (or don’t 😉 ). I though: Fabulous idea! Of course I’ll be in! And then I realised my spot on the tour would cooincide with absolute madness in my life: hosting a party with dozens of people through the house, teaching in the day at uni and every night of the week sewing classes. Plus working on a massive sewing project. Not to mention that my sewing space has never actually been turned into a ‘space’ since we moved in – it’s just had stuff shoved in it. So you REALLY are seeing my sewing space in the raw! It gets a LOT tidier than this (I can be obsessively neat at times), and will be getting much better organised, and more thought out as I figure out the space. So there is my caveat! Now …