Looking back at 2017, looking forward to 2018
It’s that time again! (slightly late, as usual). Time to reflect on 2017, and look forward to 2018. When I first looked back at 2017, I was kind of depressed. I accomplished a maximum of 4 of the 10 goals I set for myself. And honestly, I’m not totally happy with 2 of the 4. 🙁 At first I was really depressed thinking about how little I got done. The more I started writing this post, and breaking down what I actually did in 2017 the happier I felt. It wasn’t what I planned, but I did really well, and I coped with a lot of unexpected hiccups and stress. If I’m learning anything as I get older, and slightly wiser, it’s that I expect too much of myself all the time. The more I can learn to let go, accept my limitations, and be content with what I do achieve, the happier I’ll be. I’m learning to do that. I’m getting better at reminding myself that launching one pattern is more work than the …